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The #1 Amazon Selling Guide

Our best-selling guide, Amazon Algorithm, exposes the best-kept Amazon seller secrets. Discover how to make at least $5,000 NET – EVERY MONTH – through a step-by-step guide on how to build an extremely profitable Amazon brand.

Refreshed For 2023 • Instant Download • Proven Results

What Amazon’s Pro League Doesn’t Want You to Know

Are You Ready to Become a Successful Amazon Seller?


Find Profitable Products to Sell

Unlock a long list of unbelievable lucrative products that will make sure you dominate amazon marketplace.


Locate and Negotiate with the Right Suppliers

Logistically, selling on Amazon can be…expensive. We’ll help you find the best suppliers, and share negotiation tips to bring those costs right down.


How to Create a Killer Listing

Because your products will be competing with other sellers, we’ll show you how to put others to shame while increasing your conversions in the process


Prepare for the Perfect Product Launch

Learn how to successfully launch your products so they blow up on Amazon and generate sales from day one.


How to Scale Your Amazon Business

You’ll walk away with proven strategies and scaling techniques to turn your Amazon brand into an infinitely profitable business.


Exit Strategies and Selling Your Brand

With our help, you’ll know exactly when the time is right to sell your brand. We’ll help you reach a 6-figure sale that buyers will be more than happy to pay, so you can walk away 5-6 zeros richer.

Become a Successful Amazon Seller

AMZALGO presents you with a step-by-step process on how to succeed as an Amazon seller. And it’s easier than you might think. Together, we’ll uncover the most treasured Amazon seller secrets, share real-life examples of Amazon seller success stories, and prepare you for the ultimate passive income opportunity.

Take your Amazon store to new heights.

Amazon Domination 2023 shows you how to elevate your store step-by-step.

Outrank your competitors, Find hot products with low competition but with huge demand, and learn BH techniques.

Start Earning a Powerful Passive Income By Learning How to Dominate Amazon ASAP


Amazon Seller Secrets, EXPOSED

Uncover Amazon Seller information you can’t (and won’t) find anywhere else online. This includes finding the best products to sell, how to play the algorithm to your advantage, and how to rank up your listings with ease.

60-Day Full Refund, Guaranteed

From the moment you place your first product on sale, we’ll give you a full refund on your eBook if you don’t make at least 1k$ Net profit within two months.

“I’ve read nearly every Amazon guide, and they all say the same basic stuff. AMZALGO is different because it’s super comprehensive and detailed. It’s by far the best.”

Fred Clark, Founder of Fullstar, COFIT, and more.

Take a peek inside

What’s inside the eBook?

Starting an Amazon store is easier than you think! Our guide shows you exactly how to do it right.

Discover how the pros grow quickly without spending on product testing :

Learn how to find profitable products with low competition

Discover the tricks and tips to rank on Amazon.

Learn how to scale your existing store.

Create powerful listing to attract most buyers.


Starting an Amazon store is easier than you think! Our guide shows you exactly how to do it right.

Discover how the pros grow quickly without spending on product testing :

Learn how to find profitable products with low competition

Discover the tricks and tips to rank on Amazon.

Learn how to scale your existing store.

Create powerful listing to attract most buyers.

Starting an Amazon store is easier than you think! Our guide shows you exactly how to do it right.

Discover how the pros grow quickly without spending on product testing :

Learn how to find profitable products with low competition

Discover the tricks and tips to rank on Amazon.

Learn how to scale your existing store.

Create powerful listing to attract most buyers.

Starting an Amazon store is easier than you think! Our guide shows you exactly how to do it right.

Discover how the pros grow quickly without spending on product testing :

Learn how to find profitable products with low competition

Discover the tricks and tips to rank on Amazon.

Learn how to scale your existing store.

Create powerful listing to attract most buyers.

We got you covered

35+ Page PDF eBook

Stuck in a dead-end job? Don’t worry! We’ll show you how to become a successful Amazon seller so you can start earning an impressing passive income immediately

Updates for Life

We update our eBook frequently so you’re never out of the loop. Whenever Amazon makes a major change to their platform, we’ll include additions and alterations to our eBook for FREE.

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If you ever have questions concerning our eBook – or selling on Amazon in general – our friendly support team is always available to help out where they can.

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Frequently Asked

Is AMZALGO for Me…?

…That depends. Do you want to learn how to make at LEAST $5K NET, reliably and consistently, every single month? Do you need a step-by-step guide that shows you how to build an infinitely profitable Amazon business? Well then, looks like you’ve answered your own question.

What's covered in the eBook?

From finding lucrative products to sell, to locating and negotiating with top suppliers, creating killer listings, and everything in between, we’ve left no stone unturned in showing you EVERYTHING you need to know to dominate the Amazon scene.

How frequently is the eBook updated?

We update the Dominate Amazon eBook regularly, so you’re never out of the loop. If Amazon ever makes a major platform change, we’ll edit and upgrade this guide and share the new download with you – at no additional cost!

Last update was on Dec, 2023

Has anyone already benefitted from this eBook?

Yes! This eBook has already helped thousands of people sell more on Amazon and generate the passive income they deserve. 

We believe that the content in our book is so rare and unique that we offer 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Verified Customer Reviews

“AMZALGO is the best guide available if you want to achieve massive sales and growth to your Amazon store.”

- Adrian D.

“This eBook has been extremely valuable to my team. I love the open-minded way of the company.”

- Katy S

Person who wrote this

About the author

Richard Miranda

Hi! I’m Richard. If there’s anyone who knows what it’s like in the trenches of Amazon marketing, it’s me. No one taught me the way. I taught myself everything I know, and now, I’m ready to share mysecrets with you. After years of providing listing ranking services, using proven methods the most successful Amazon sellers don’t want you to know about, I pressed pause so that I could share my insights with my fellow Amazon sellers – just like you.


I’ve spent almost a decade of my life mastering the art and science of selling of Amazon. I live and breathe the platform, because I worked incredibly hard to tame the beast. And you can too!

 Oh, and one more thing – while it’s my name on the cover of this eBook, I can’t take all the credit. As with anything in live, team work makes the dream work. I had plenty of input in bringing this guide to life, and I’m beyond excited to be sharing the final Dominate Amazon with you. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed creating it for you.

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